AIDS 2020: Virtual pre-conferences

Pre-conferences are independently organized meetings that offer a wide range of population- and issue-specific programming within the field of global health and development.

The AIDS 2020: Virtual pre-conference programme will be hosted online from Tuesday, 30 June, to Friday, 3 July.

Important pre-conference information

  • All delegates registered for AIDS 2020: Virtual can attend pre-conferences.
  • For those who wish to attend only pre-conferences and not the main conference, full pre-conference week passes are available for purchase online on the registration page.
  • Signing up for pre-conferences automatically grants permission for the pre-conference organizers to contact you with future updates.
  • With a compelling combination of on-demand, semi-live and live sessions, AIDS 2020: Virtual pre-conferences will be a memorable virtual experience for a global audience.


Visit the Frequently asked questions page for more information on pre-conferences.


Visit the Frequently asked questions page for more information on pre-conferences.

Pre-conference programme

Organizer: International Association of providers of AIDS Care (IAPAC) 

The  pre-conference’s aim is to highlight successes achieved across the Fast-Track Cities network, address cross-cutting challenges faced by local stakeholders, and share best practices in accelerating urban AIDS responses, inclusive of co-infectious diseases and co-morbid conditions, including those associated with aging with HIV. 

Contact: Jonathon Hess[email protected] 


Organizer: Asia Pacific Coalition on Male (APCOM)

Bringing into global perspective the three main cross-­‐cutting themes affecting the gay men and MSM in the provision of and access to services, and in the fight to end AIDS by 2030, learning from the discussions at the RRRAP Summit. APCOM calls to address the challenging human rights situation and punitive legal environment against Asian and Pacific gay men and MSM, heighten political will to increase investment to MSM-­‐ledHIV programs and build partnerships and collaboration between networks in North Americas and the Asia-­‐Pacific; The Pre-­‐Conference willfocus on the human rights situation of Asian and Pacific gay men and MSMin the North Americas, including violence, right to life and personal security, and the effects to their access to available HIV services. Through this, the pre-­‐conference will establish connections for the Asian and Pacific movement, networks, organisations in the realms of HIV and LGBT rights to bring about greater visibility in North America.

Contact: Midnight Poonkasetwattana, [email protected]


Organizer: IAS (CIPHER), WHO, PHACS, UNICEF, MassGeneral Hospital for Children

The 6th Workshop on Children and Adolescents HIV-Exposed and Uninfected brings together clinicians, scientists, advocates, implementers and policy experts to better understand the short- and long-term health and developmental disparities of this population with a goal of facilitating collaborations to translate evidence into action. This year the workshop will interrogate the evidence, both mechanistic and epidemiologic, in relation to adverse birth outcomes in this population and discuss unique perinatal epidemiologic methods considerations in evaluating adverse birth outcomes. The workshop will also explore ethical considerations for evaluation of medium to long-term outcomes in children and adolescents HIV-exposed and uninfected, with bioethicists sharing frameworks for considering maternal and child/adolescent interests.

Contact: CIPHER – [email protected]

Organizer: Fundación Huésped 

The Transgender in Latin America 2020 pre-conference will be chaired by Omar Sued (Argentina) and Nadir Cardozo (Argentina). 

During the live sessions and pre recorded sessions, healthcare professionals and providers, decision makers and the key population, will talk about how to improve the health and quality of life for the trans population in Latin America, and during COVID-19 pandemic.     

Topics like proper care and treatment to the transgender population, by listening to the psycho-social aspects affecting this population and the testimony of TGW will be addressed : 

  •  Anal Health 
  • Gender-based therapies for trans people, and their impact on PrEP and ART programs 
  • Transgender men, a forgotten community 
  • How to educate our community in clinical prevention trials? 
  • Sexual health & human rights during COVID-19 pandemic 
  • Challenges in the Psi approach of the Trans world 

Contact: Micaela Figueroa, [email protected]


Organizer: Fundación Huésped

The Transgender in Latin America 2020 pre-conference will be chaired by Omar Sued (Argentina) and Nadir Cardozo (Argentina).

During the live sessions and pre recorded sessions, healthcare professionals and providers, decision makers and the key population, will talk about how to improve the health and quality of life for the trans population in Latin America, and during COVID-19 pandemic.

Topics like proper care and treatment to the transgender population, by listening to the psycho-social aspects affecting this population and the testimony of TGW will be addressed:

  • Anal Health
  • Gender-based therapies for trans people, and their impact on PrEP and ART programs
  • Transgender men, a forgotten community
  • How to educate our community in clinical prevention trials?
  • Sexual health & human rights during COVID-19 pandemic
  • Challenges in the Psi approach of the Trans world

Contact: Micaela Figueroa, [email protected]


Organizer: HIV Intervention Science Training Program (HISTP) 

This symposium highlights the work of the HIV Intervention Science Training Program (HISTP) Scholars, who are promising new investigators from underrepresented groups participating in an NIMH-funded R25 training program at the Columbia University School of Social Work. The Scholars present a number innovative HIV studies addressing multi-level aspects of HIV risk, prevention, and implementation science that leverage technology (e.g., social media) among key populations in Africa and the United States. These include: (1) Project Profile D, a mixed methods initiative to develop a scale of Racialized Sexual Discrimination (RSD) and examine the associations between RSD and both mental/sexual health outcomes among gay/bisexual men of color in the United States; (2) Implementing, and evaluating interventions to increase HIV testing among men in Tanzania and Haiti; (3) Using social media to combat HIV stigma among Somali community in Columbus, Ohio; (4) Developing an online intervention to reduce HIV risk behaviors and improve PrEP uptake among young black men who have sex with men (18-34 years) in New York City; and (5) The associations of young Black American women’s social networks relationships and dynamics and interest in PrEP  

In addition, symposium moderators will synthesize lessons learned in supporting promising new investigators of color and developing technology-supported intervention and implementation science. 

Contact: Audrey Ward, [email protected] 

Organizer: International AIDS Society

A strong HIV response requires broad engagement across multiple stakeholder groups, including people living with HIV and civil society, in order to build informed and effective advocacy. As the HIV cure research field develops, an important step in furthering its impact is to translate the strategies being pursued and the latest findings in a way that is accessible to all audiences. 

 The IAS is partnering with international and local civil society organizations to organize this interactive online meeting to provide accessible information on current research directions, myths and misconceptions related to an HIV cure, and challenges of clinical trials in cure research. The meeting will be open to anyone interested in learning about the HIV cure field, but will focus particularly on ensuring that the broader community and clinicians have an opportunity to learn more about the HIV cure field and how it applies to them.  

Contact: Rosanne Lamplough, [email protected], Riccardo Maddalozzo, [email protected]    

Organizer: The International AIDS Economics Network (IAEN) in collaboration with UNAIDS and the Gates Foundation 

The IAEN pre-conferences are the only dedicated global events that convene economists and health and AIDS response policy makers, to focus on accelerating progress in countries towards sustainable financing of the HIV response. It provides a strategic platform where economists engage with a wide range of stakeholders on new economic evidence; encourages cross-country learning of novel research findings; and promotes optimal utilization of economic intelligence in shaping cost-effective responses to the global HIV and AIDS pandemic.  This preconference will focus on the theme, “Practical solutions to financing the expansion and the sustainability of HIV/AIDS interventions.” It is organized in collaboration with UNAIDS and the Gates Foundation, which makes it a unique platform to further the global dialogue on the sustainability agenda – a key priority of the 2020 IAC. 

Contact: Alan Whiteside, [email protected]


Organizer: USAID, IAS, STOP TB Partnership  

At a time when COVID-19 threatens the hard-won gains against TB, HIV, and person-centered, inclusive and quality healthcare more generally, we must put the policies and tools in place to ensure sustained and quality services for TB that can be of benefit to people now and in the future. Differentiated Service Delivery models for chronic diseases have been successfully developed and used for HIV care. Lessons learnt are now being applied to TB and COVID-19, along with integrated active case finding for those not yet diagnosed. This session seeks to summarize innovative programmatic approaches and technologies that can be used to sustain and ensure quality of care for those with TB, and leverage the roll-out of diagnostic screening, decentralized models and digital health solutions to improve case finding and subsequent care for all three diseases.

Contact: Teri Roberts, [email protected]

Organizer: San Francisco and Oakland Youth Force (SFOYF) 

San Francisco and Oakland Youth Force is one of the international AIDS Society’s youth forces and aims to be the driving force behind an inclusive and meaningful youth program while representing young voices. SFOYF organizes a youth centric Pre-Conference which covers a myriad of topics that are relevant, selected and facilitated by young people. The broad agenda which reflects the array of topics relevant for young people affected by HIV/AIDS globally, is designed to provide a safe space for sharing, capacity building, and empowerment of adults and youth who participate.  

 As 2020 is a pivotal year in the HIV epidemic, the Pre-Conference agenda will include both the lessons learned and ways forward, including scientific advancements. The agenda reflects the resilience theme of the AIDS 2020 Virtual conference by recognizing past achievements, discussing future practices and empowering participants in becoming and remaining resilient into the next decade.   

Contact: SFYOF, [email protected]
