#CelebrateUU builds on the concept of U=U, calling on individuals living with HIV/AIDS to start recognizing and celebrating our anniversaries of having an undetectable viral load. We celebrate years in recovery from addiction, or years in remission for various cancers. Why not CELEBRATE reaching undetectable status!?!
There are 5 simple steps:
  • SIGN: Use a sign similar to the example
  • SELFIE: Take a selfie
  • HASHTAGS: Include the hashtags #CelebrateUU, #UU6, #UequalsU (replacing the 6 with how many years you’ve been undetectable!)
  • STORY: Answer the question “What would it mean to me to end the HIV epidemic?“
  • SHARE: Share to your social media and tag us @CelebrateUU on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter

This statement is a call for urgent action from the United Nations to convene partners to design an HIV implementation strategy to influence and engage countries’ policy-makers and health agencies to understand the importance of correctly utilizing their efforts and investments on indigenous health by utilizing an Indigenous-led model.

Please find the full statement here and share widely!

Foundations for a Coordinated Global Response_ HIV & Indigenous Peoples FINAL_compressed-1



At the present time, we have no specific information about the risk of COVID-19 in people with HIV.

Older adults and people of any age who have a serious underlying medical condition might be at higher risk for severe illness, including people who are immunocompromised. The risk for people with HIV getting very sick is greatest in:

  • People with a low CD4 cell count, and
  • People not on HIV treatment (antiretroviral therapy or ART).

People with HIV can also be at increased risk of getting very sick with COVID-19 based on their age and other medical conditions.

Continue taking your HIV medicine, follow the advice of your health care provider, and follow the coronavirus.gov guidance to keep yourself and others safe from COVID-19.

More information resources on: https://www.hiv.gov/hiv-basics/staying-in-hiv-care/other-related-health-issues/coronavirus-covid-19